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Iota Silicone Oil (Anhui) Co., Ltd
联系人:Mary 女士 (Sales)
电 话:0086-552-7183958
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Smoothing agent


    Smoothing agent(Silicone Smoothing agents)

It is a new organic silicone agent. It combines the smooth, soft, fluffy together, and has the characteristics of anti-static, anti-pollution and high resilience.

Technical indicators:

1, appearance: milky white liquid

2, ionic type: cationic

3, solid content: 25%+-2

4, pH value: 6-7

5, the centrifugal stability: 3000/ R / min, 30 minutes without stratification

The characteristics of the product:

1 smooth feel, excellent and ideal gloss

2 can gibe long-lasting fabric fluffy, soft and good resilience

3 significantly improve the tearing strength of fabrics

4 Have good compatibility with the same ionic additives

5 can make the fiber and fabric comfortable feeling

Application scope:

Smoothing agent is suitable for various post- finishing of textile fibers and their products , such as wool , polyester , acrylic , cotton, leather , linen, all kinds of natural and synthetic fabric is soft, shiny , smooth , and other finishing.

How to use

This product can be used for a bath method or a padding method and spray method

1,bath method reference process:

Usage: 2~5% the weight of goods:

PH value: 5~6:

Bath ratio: 1:8~10;

The processing time: 15~30 minutes;

Bath temperature 35~40 oC ;

Drying temperature:100~170 oC 5 minutes

2,padding method reference process:

Usage: 5~20g/l;

pH value: 5~6;

rolling liquid rate: 70~80%;

bath temperature: 25 oC;

Drying temperature: 80~110 oC;

Setting temperature: 130 oC ~140 oC

Iota Silicone Oil (Anhui) Co., Ltd
Mary 女士 (Sales)  
电  话: 0086-552-7183958
传  真: 0086-552-3822922
公司地址: 中国安徽蚌埠市Room1318, Yuhua building, Huaihe Road, Bengbu, Chi
邮  编: 233000
公司主页: http://iotasiliconeoil05.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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Iota Silicone Oil (Anhui) Co., Ltd 公司地址:中国安徽蚌埠市Room1318, Yuhua building, Huaihe Road, Bengbu, Chi
Mary 女士 (Sales) 电话:0086-552-7183958 传真:0086-552-3822922
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